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The Aztec Widow

Leaded glass window in the Aztec Room

Size: 1150 mm long; 560 mm high. The depicted images are the god Tlaloc in the centre, and Aztec warriors at each end.


TLALOC : The Aztec rain god, his name means 'He Who Makes Things Sprout'. He is represented wearing a mask and with large round eyes and long fangs and dates to the Teotihuacan culture of the highlands (3rd to 8th centuries AD). His characteristic features were strikingly similar to those of the Maya rain god Chac of the same period. During Aztec times (14th to 16th centuries), Tlaloc's cult was considered extremely important and had spread throughout Mexico. In the divinatory calendars, Tlaloc was the eighth ruler of the days and the ninth lord of the nights.

©  All images copyrighted: Anthony Wlock 2001-2025
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